«If you are not righteous in a much broader way (...), you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven» - by Fr. Julio César RAMOS González SDB (Mendoza, Argentina) on 

  Matthew 5,20-26 

Keywords: St. John Bosco used to say: «The good is the enemy of the best»;  Jesus changes the interpretation of the negative precept ... by the positive meaning of the ... radical demand of reconciliation

Ostentatious Religion - Sermon by Walter Frederic Adeney  out of England on

 Matthew 6,1-18 

Keywords: specifically religious actions, charity, payer, self-denial, theatrical performance, admiration of beholders, insult to God


How Often One Should Forgive  - Sermon by Gerarld Roberts  Sept 14, 2020 (Carr Memorial UMC & New Salem
Princeton , West Virginia) on

 Matthew 18, 21-35 

Keywords: Jesus demands Forgivenes, the Greek word; throwing, orgive even the unforgivable,


Feasting With the Poor - Sermon on May 9/10, 2015 by Tim Cain, in the Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minnesote on

 Luke 14:12-14 

Keywords: two groups, serving the poor, it's not enough, stand in line at buffets, a local soup kitchen, a dinner with friends becomes a feast, Kaleo Church, church planting, Christma on a Friday, the real cost is....; you will hear people’s stories and you will fall in love with them, Jesus... loved us, shed his blood to rescue us, and rose again to welcome us into his family.

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